My name is Alicia and I am fifteen years old.
Many people say I am older, and many say I can act younger. You're just going to have to accept the fact, I don't act my age.
I am a self-injurer, if you are going to leave rude, unwanted comments about it, I suggest you just keep them to yourself.
Feel free to ask me anything you'd like.
I do enjoy answering questions.
bah. i found you on postsecret and saw that you had a blogspot.
so...you have some really neat stuff on here. *follows*
;] check me out if you get the time.
thanks so much for the comment!
i'll be back to see some of your new stuff when you update.
you've no idea how much it means to me that someone actually read some of my stuff!
<3 hearts and kudos to you. ;]
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